Let's Talk

Recruitment Notice

Last updated: January 13, 2025


The company “Golem Agency” (“Golem” or “we” “our”) welcomes you. We have created this Recruitment Notice (“Recruitment Notice” or “Notice”), to assist job applicants (“candidate” or “you”) in understanding how we collect and process your personal data when you respond to our job vacancies, apply, and undergo the selection process.

About Us

Data controllerPrivate Entrepreneur Volodymyr Golembivs’kyi, tax number 3314019996
Postal addressUkraine, 03113, Kyiv, 49 Dehtiarivska street
Email addressprivacy@golem.agency — for inquiries regarding personal data

Personal data processing

We do not collect data from you that is unnecessary for evaluating yor suitability for the job vacancy. We may obtain data from the following sources:

  • directly from you;
  • from publicly available sources;
  • from third parties.

Please note! We consciously do not process personal data of candidates under the age of 18.

The data we receive directly from you:

Type of dataDescriptionReasons for processingLawful basis
Identification data
  • Last name and first name;
  • City of residence;
Verification of Biographical dataPerformance of the contract
Contact data
  • Telephone number;
  • Email address;
Communication with youPerformance of the contract
Data from attached documents
  • Cover letter;
  • Education;
  • Certificates;
  • Work experience;
  • Languages known;
  • Other data provided in your resume.
Initial assessment of your skills in accordance with requirements of our vacancy and companyPerformance of the contract
Data from interviews
  • Additional data confirming the details in your resume.
Confirmation of skills stated in the resumePerformance of the contract
Data from the completion of a test task
  • Results of the test task;
Confirmation of skills stated in the resumePerformance of the contract

Data retention period

We store your data within 1 year from the moment our last communication with you. In the event of a contract between us, we store your data in compliance with the requirements of the law.

The data we receive from publicly available sources

In case of any doubts, we may collect certain data from publicly available sources.

Type of dataDescriptionReasons for processingLawful basis
Reference data
  • Information from your social media profiles;
  • Data from open registers.
Confirmation of work experience stated in the resumeNecessity for the protection of legitimate interests

Data retention period

We store your data within 1 year from the moment our last communication with you.

The data we receive from the third parties

Under certain circumstances, such as having multiple equally qualified candidates, we may contact with third parties for additional data. These third parties may include the contact persons listed in your resume or your former employers.

Type of dataDescriptionReasons for processingLawful basis
Advisory dataAdditional characteristics or qualifications of you as a candidatePrevention of fraudulent, harmful, unauthorized, unethical, or illegal activitiesNecessity for the protection of legitimate interests

Data retention period

We store your data within 1 year from the moment our last communication with you.

How we Disclose your data

Your data will not be transferred outside of our firm unless it is necessary to obtain reference data from third parties. By default, we store your data in Ukraine, but we may transfer it to our colleagues in the EU who are directly involved in the selection process.

Protection of your Data

We strive to ensure the security of your personal data and employ the following protective measures:

Organizational security measures

Separate storageNon-disclosure agreements (NDA)
Staff trainingInternal policies and instructions

Physical security measures

Alarm systemRestricted access to premises
Closed-circuit television (CCTV)Alternative power supply

Technical security measures

Encryption technologiesTwo-factor authentication
Password controlsAlternative power supply

Technical security measures

You as a subject of personal data in relation to your data have the following rights:

The RightsDescription
Right to informationYou have the right to know and be informed about the sources of collection, the location of your personal data, the purposes of their processing, and the location of the data controller
Right to access your personal dataYou have the right to request access to and receive all of your data that we store
Right to object to the processing of your personal data.You have the right to submit a request with a valid reason to object to the processing of your personal data
Right to erasure your personal data.You have the right to submit a request with a valid reason to erasure your personal data if such data is processed unlawfully or is inaccurate
Right to rectify your personal dataYou have the right to submit a request with valid reason to rectify your personal data if such data is processed unlawfully or is inaccurate
Right to personal data protection.You have the right to protect your personal data from unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage due to deliberate concealment, non-provision, or untimely provision, as well as protection against the disclosure of information that is inaccurate or harms your honor, dignity, and business reputation
Right to file complaints regarding the processing of your personal data with the Commissioner or Court.

You have the right to file complaints regarding the processing of your personal data with the Commissioner for Human rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by email hotline@ombudsman.gov.ua.

Please note! If you are dissatisfied with our processing practices, please contact us.

Right to withdraw consent.You may withdraw consent to processing at any time. You also have the right to place restrictions on the processing of your personal data when giving consent
Right to use legal remedies in case of violation of the personal data protection legislation.You have the right to protect your personal data through legal remedies as established by the laws
Right to know the mechanism of automated processing of personal data

You have the right to request information from us about the use of automated processing mechanisms for personal data.

Please note! We do not use any automated decision-making processes.

Additional information

This Notice and legal relationships falling under its scope are governed by the law of Ukraine “About Personal Data Protection” and General Data Protection Regulation.