Let's Talk

Повідомлення про обробку персональних даних (повна версія)

Останнє оновлення: лютого 20, 2025


Компанія "Golem Agency" ("Golem" або "ми") вітає вас.

Ми дбаємо про ваші персональні дані, тому підготували це Повідомлення про обробку персональних даних ("Повідомлення"). Воно інформує вас про те, як збираються, зберігаються та використовуються ваші персональні дані, а також містить детальний опис того, що відбувається, коли ви взаємодієте з нашим вебсайтом, доступним за посиланням https://golem.agency ("Вебсайт").


Про нас як про контролера ваших персональних даних

Контролер данихФОП Голембівський Володимир, реєстраційний номер 3314019996
Поштова адресаУкраїна, 03115, Київ, Львівська 17
Електронна адресаprivacy@golem.agency
Розміщення данихУкраїна

Ви як суб'єкт даних

Коли ви використовуєте наш Вебсайт, ви автоматично стаєте його користувачем ("Користувач"). Для того, щоб краще розуміти, як ви взаємодієте з нашим сайтом, та щоб мінімізувати обсяг необхідних даних, ми поділяємо всіх Користувачів на різні категорії. Це також допомагає нам ефективніше обробляти ваші запити щодо ваших персональних даних.

ВідвідувачКожен, хто відвідує наш Вебсайт
Підписник новинКористувачі, які підписалися на нашу розсилку новин.
СлухачіКористувачі, які реєструють свою участь у наших вебінарах.
Потенційний клієнтКористувачі, які надсилають запити на послуги через контактні форми або контактні дані, надані на Веб-сайті.

Вікові обмеження

Ми дбаємо про безпеку дітей в Інтернеті, тому свідомо не обробляємо дані осіб, молодших 18 років, без згоди їхніх законних опікунів.

Якщо ви є неповнолітньою особою або її законним представником, будь ласка, повідомте нас про це на адресу privacy@golem.agency, і ми негайно видалимо відповідну інформацію.

Personal Data

Data sources

We receive personal data when you visit and interact with our Website. The extent of personal data collected depends on your actions on the Website. We may also receive data from third parties, depending on your browser settings and the features you use.

Lawful basis for processing

For processing your personal data, we rely on the following legal bases:

  • Performance of the contract: to take pre-contractual measures, enter into a contract, and fulfil contractual obligations (e.g., Terms of Use) with you.
  • Legitimate interest: to protect our legitimate interests.
  • Consent: for additional processing for specific purposes.

Visitor data

When you visit the Website, certain data is collected automatically. These technical and other data are necessary for us to operate, support, and improve the Website's functionality.

Type of dataDescriptionReasons for processingLawful basis
Technical dataInformation about your visits and usage of the Website, including: referral sources, time, and duration of visits, navigationImproving your user experience on the WebsitePerformance of the contract
Necessary cookiesInformation necessary for the operation of the WebsiteEnsuring the proper functioning of the Website and making it easier to usePerformance of the contract
Marketing cookieMarketing informationProviding relevant advertising tailored to youConsent
Statistical cookieStatistical data on the usage of the WebsiteTracking the effectiveness of the Website for statistical and analytical purposesPerformance of the contract

Data retention period

Data processed based on the conclusion and performance of a contractStored for a period of 1 year from the date of the last request
Data processed based on legitimate interestStored for a period of 1 year from the date of the last request

Listener data

When you send us a request to receive an e-book, you become categorized as a reader.

Type of dataDescriptionReasons for processingLawful basis
Data of requestNameIdentification of the listenerPerformance of the contract
 Email addressProviding access and input data for the webinarPerformance of the contract
 PositionKeeping track of request statisticsLegitimate interest

Data retention period

Data processed based on the conclusion and performance of a contractStored for a period of 1 year from the date of the last request
Data processed based on legitimate interestIt is kept as statistical data for 3 years

Potential client data

When you contact us using the contact forms on our Website, you become a potential client.

Upon receiving your request for our services, we may process additional data to fulfil our obligations. This may include checks for conflicts of interest and actions to prevent fraud.

We may also use your contact information for payment purposes and to inform you about any changes to our agreement terms.

Type of dataDescriptionReasons for processingLawful basis
Feedback dataNameIdentification of the representativePerformance of the contract
 Email addressCommunication regarding the inquiryPerformance of the contract
 The company nameIdentification of the representativeLegitimate interest
 PositionIdentification of the representativeLegitimate interest
 Phone numberIdentification of the representativeLegitimate interest

Data retention period

Data processed based on the conclusion and performance of a contractStored for a period of 3 years from the date of the last communication

The data we receive from the third parties

We may receive some data from third parties, but we do not necessarily receive it. This depends on the features you use and your settings.

The scope of the data collected, the purposes and the basis for processing are determined by the relevant personal data documents of these third parties.

Categories of third partiesReasons for processing
Marketing and analytics toolsWe use analytics tools to understand and improve our business
Social networksWe use various social networks to spread information about our activities
Podcast servicesWe may publish our podcasts on various services through which you may reach our Website
Services for finding interns, job candidatesWe use various services to search for job candidates
CRM systemsWe use CRM systems to develop our business
MessengersWe use messengers to communicate with you in ways that are convenient for you
Payment servicesWe use the services of payment services to make payments

Data transfer to third parties

We may transfer your personal data to our subcontractors to the extent necessary for the provision of services and user support. We may also need to transfer data to other parties as indicated below.


We transfer your data on the following grounds:

  1. Contractual performance: We may transfer your data to our subcontractors and partners for the purpose of entering into and fulfilling contractual obligations. These agreements are primarily required to provide you with quality services.
  2. Consent: We may transfer your personal data based on your consent.
  3. Legal compliance: We may disclose your personal data to third parties if necessary for:
  • Complying with requests from governmental authorities, court orders, or other legal requirements;
  • Preventing unauthorised use of the Website or violations of our policies;
  • Protecting against third-party claims;
  • Assisting in the prevention or investigation of fraud. 

Protection of your Data

We protect the information on our computer servers in a controlled and secure environment, safeguarded against unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

We also implement intelligent organisational security measures to ensure protection, including:

Organizational security measures

Staff trainingDescriptionInternal policies and instructions
Protection during data transferCareful use of Internet resourcesNon-disclosure agreements (NDA)

Physical security measures

Closed-circuit television (CCTV)Physical perimeter securitySecurity
Restricted access to premisesAlternative power supplyAlarm system

Technical security measures

Encryption technologiesBackup and recoveryTwo-factor authentication
Licensed softwareKeeping registers of consentPassword controls

Your rights

You as a subject of personal data in relation to your data have the rights described below. Contact us to exercise them.

The RightsDescription
Right to informationYou have the right to know and be informed about the sources of collection, the location of your personal data, the purposes of their processing, and the location of the data controller
Right to access your personal dataYou have the right to request access to and receive all of your data that we store
Right to object to the processing of your personal dataYou have the right to submit a request with a valid reason to object to the processing of your personal data
Right to erasure your personal dataYou have the right to submit a request with a valid reason to erasure your personal data if such data is processed unlawfully or is inaccurate
Right to rectify your personal dataYou have the right to submit a request with valid reason to rectify your personal data if such data is processed unlawfully or is inaccurate
Right to personal data protectionYou have the right to protect your personal data from unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage due to deliberate concealment, non-provision, or untimely provision, as well as protection against the disclosure of information that is inaccurate or harms your honor, dignity, and business reputation
Right to file complaints regarding the processing of your personal data with the Commissioner or Court

You have the right to file complaints regarding the processing of your personal data with the Commissioner for Human rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by email hotline@ombudsman.gov.ua.

Please note! If you are dissatisfied with our processing practices, please contact us.

Right to withdraw consentYou may withdraw consent to processing at any time. You also have the right to place restrictions on the processing of your personal data when giving consent
Right to use legal remedies in case of violation of the personal data protection legislationYou have the right to protect your personal data through legal remedies as established by the laws
Right to know the mechanism of automated processing of personal data

You have the right to request information from us about the use of automated processing mechanisms for personal data.

Please note! We do not use any automated decision-making processes.


We use necessary cookies for the functioning of the Website. By using cookies, we collect automatically gathered data. You can read more about this in our Cookie Policy.

If you wish to disable cookies, you can find instructions on managing your browser settings through the following links:

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Privacy Notice update

This Message and the relationships falling under its scope are governed by the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection." As a best practice, we also adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation.

The current legislation and requirements regarding the processing of personal data, as well as the functionality of the Website, may change. In such a case, we will publish a new version of this Message on the Website.

If significant changes are made to the Website that affects your privacy, we will notify you by displaying the information on the main page of the Website and, if necessary, seek your consent.


You have read a full version of our Privacy Policy. Back to the brief version.